Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Flying High


In my previous life - before I started a technology company, I worked for two guys who owned their own planes. I love flying, and it was always a treat to fly on a plane that left when the boss was ready. I like to sit up front and watch the pilot. When I first started writing, I wrote about the newest PC software, including Flight Simulator, and even wrote a chapter in my first book about that program. Later, I took ground school on the path to get my pilot's license, but a soccer injury to my eye meant that I lacked the depth perception necessary to safely fly a plane.

I got exciting news this month. I got a book adaptation gig!  It is a movie being produced about an existing book, Hijacked: The True Story of the Heroes of Flight 705. I never got asked to do this job - I aggressively pursued it. After my manager got back from Cannes, we had a Zoom where she updated me on all my scripts, the studios and producers that had requested to read and who she had sent to. I was so elated and toward the end, she mentioned that she met this amazing producer who was trying to get the rights to a book about a hijacking of a FedEx plane. I wrote that down and after we were done, I did a search on it and found the book on Amazon. I verified that was the story and went to bed reading the book (it was free with Kindle Unlimited.) 

The next day, I got up excited and wrote a long treatment of how I'd handle the story - compared to how the book is sequenced. I realized that my manager had NOT requested this and might think I was silly, but instead, she forwarded this to the producer and that the option had not been secured. I knew my manager had two writers who did book adaptations, so the only way I'd get this gig was to be the eager beaver - early bird, etc. Needless to say, a few weeks later, my manager said that the option had been secured and that the producer wanted to talk to me and she set up a Zoom.

I ended up reading the book four times and made Keith read it and explain a lot of the technical stuff (the pilot inverted the plane at one point), and then I started learning everything about the producer and her production company. www.HELICOPTER PRODUCTIONS.com

We spent 2 1/2 hours on the phone - and had a real meeting of the minds. A few odd things - she used to own a manufacturing company is a supplier to Ford, etc. They make the little tubes for electrical wires under 1 inch that run to the visor, and windshield wipers. She is still in Detroit. I explained my connection to the automotive business. My two airplane-owning bosses were car dealers.

My manager and the producer saw this as a faith-based movie. There are a lot of funds for this type of movie. I agreed, but there was another issue – race. A big producer had optioned it before - and couldn't get past the race issue, especially right after the death of Rodney King. Since the hijacker is black and against three older white dudes - some might think of it as being about race. The book goes into detail about this, but I proposed removing his race - and even suggested removing his face, etc. It didn't have to be part of the story of how three pilots were able to beat all odds and land that plane after being critically attacked with hammers. This hijacker is a very evil man, did horrible things and had planned to crash a huge D10 into the FedEx sorting facility and kill thousands of workers - most of them black. He didn't care - he wanted to destroy his employer and get the 1.3 million life insurance for his kids because he was about to be fired (for good cause.) 

At the end, she wrote to my manager "Had a wonderful meeting with Sandi.  We discussed a lot.  This is our writer! We are so excited to get started and move quickly.  Sandi has amazing ideas, and with her strength in structure, and her aviation knowledge, will make this a winning script! She is on the same page with creative direction as an inspirational / faith-based film.  Nothing "in your face", but as Sandi confirmed, God is mentioned 16 times in the book."

So, I got the gig - not a huge fee, but a percentage that could be huge if it goes to a tent pole like Sully or Air Force One instead of A Wing and a Prayer. I've been dancing on air, taking more meetings - writing, writing, writing and loving it - flying high!

Here's the link to the pitch deck.

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